Two men arrested for unearthing artifacts in Minbu Tsp 

Minbu 25 June

The authorities arrested two men who were unearthing artifacts on the farm of U Hlaing Aye, about four furlongs southeast of Alanpal village in Minbu(Sagu) township, Magway region yesterday, according to Minbu Myoma Police station.

Soon after receiving information about illegal excavation of artifacts, a combined team comprising staff officer U Ye Lwin, local policemen and Alanpal village administrator dashed to the scene. The authorities caught two men red-handed while they were digging artifacts. They were identified as Mya Lwin, 32, of Shauktaw village, Pwintphyu Tsp. and Chit Han, 45, of Kyarkan village, Minbu Tsp. The authorities seized seven pieces of broken earthenware believed to be artifacts together with tools used for digging. Those seven pieces of earthenware were found out to be pieces of ancient earthen pot dating back to a hundred years ago. It is known that the area where the materials were unearthed and surrounding area are the area designated as ancient site.

The authorities pressed charges against the two for unearthing artifacts, it is learnt.—Myo Myat ( Minbu)
Translated by Khine Thaw