UEC meets with media for 2020 General Election

A meeting on collaboration of the Union Election Commission and Myanmar Media Council with media was held at Kempinski Hotel in Nay Pyi Taw at 9 am yesterday.

Present at the meeting were Chairman of Union Election Commission, U Hla Thein, and member of the commission, Chairman of Myanmar Media Council, officials, and UNESCO officials.

At the event, U Hla Thein spoke of important role of media for holding a successful election. He pointed out that the commission alone
cannot carry out the tasks of civic education and voter education.

Participation of media is much needed. Since 2015 election international and local media, has been invited.

To report conveniently, negotiation effort were made with Myanmar Press Council. As election guides and media ethics were written and
published, covering election news smoothly. It made a remarkable help for the commission.

The election will meet its five standards; freedom of choice, fairness, transparency, accessibility and compatibility of public desire with the result of election, the performances the commission and the news of public interest will be posted and broadcast on state-run newspapers , TV and UEC website occasionally.

A member of the commission has been assigned for press. The media should only report correct news for the interests of the country.

He urged to avoid taking sides and reporting false news and spreading hate speech as it can cause undesired effect on election, to value an item of news and to follow media ethics and election guide designed by Myanmar Press Council.

Voter registration will be carried out in 2019, and related departments are working it together. Media groups are urged to help in raising awareness for the public participation in voter registration for timely correction fo the lists.

Then, Chairman of Myanmar Press Council U Ohn Kyaing ( Hanthawady U Ohn Kyaing) and UNESCO Representative to Myanmar Ms. Jeong Kim delivered keynote speeches.

The meeting came to an end after a general round of discussion. — MNA
(Translated by Alphonsus)