UEC meets registered political parties

The meeting of the Union Elec­tion Commission and the political parties that have been approved for registration was held yester­day afternoon at the meeting hall of the Union Election Commis­sion office.


Union Election Commission Chairman U Ko Ko and officials from 43 political parties attended the meeting.


At the ceremony, UEC Chair U Ko Ko said that he would spare no effort with the political parties to hold the next election success­fully.


He said that in accordance with the amended and enacted Political Parties Registration Law, the commission is prepar­ing the rules for the registration of political parties and publishing them.


If there are any require­ments for opening party offices, the commission coordinates with relevant ministries and region/ state governments. The collec­tion, maintenance, and use of po­litical parties’ funds should also be appropriately documented. Section 17 (b) of the Political Par­ties Registration Law stipulates that party funds shall be used following the order or instruc­tions issued by the commission. According to this provision, the commission will release the nec­essary instructions as soon as possible, and the parties must use them as per the instructions. The election will be successful only if the commission, political parties and the voters work together.


The commission must super­vise the political parties under the laws and regulations enacted by the commission and assist the political parties’ needs under the law. For all those who have the right to vote, officials must co­ordinate and cooperate with the relevant ministries to ensure that the voter list is complete and cor­rect, and voter education activi­ties must also be coordinated with the appropriate organizations.


For the parties to be strong and for the voters to vote for their party and their parliamentary candidates, it is necessary to con­duct a proper election campaign. To get the correct voting choice of the voters, people must choose only those who are really qualified to choose the candidates who will compete in parliament.


He added that the commis­sion will supervise the election according to the laws and reg­ulations enacted to ensure free and fair elections.


Afterwards, the persons re­sponsible for the event had dis­cussions, and the UEC Chair clar­ified and gave a closing speech to conclude the meeting. — MNA/ KZL