UK adds Italy to Covid quarantine list

16 Oct

Passengers arriving in Britain from Italy will have to self-isolate for 14 days from this weekend, the UK government said on Thursday as it updated its coronavirus travel list.

The quarantine requirement for travellers from Italy, San Marino and the Vatican State applies across the UK from 4:00 am (0300 GMT) on Sunday, Transport Secretary Grant Shapps said.

But those coming to England from the Greek island of Crete will no longer have to self-isolate, according to the new list.

Italy joined other major tourist destinations on the list, including France and Spain, as a second wave of coronavirus sweeps Europe and triggers stricter curbs on public life.

"Data has indicated the weekly cases and test positivity are increasing in Italy and so ministers have taken the decision to remove the destinations (from the safe list)," the transport ministry said in a statement.