UN vehicle carrying swabs from COVID-19 suspects attacked by ULA/AA group in Rakhine, two injured

A WHO vehicle carrying swabs from the patients receiving for COVID-19 quarantine in townships in Rakhine State for test in Yangon’s national laboratory came under attack on Monday in Minbya Township, Rakhine State, leaving two staff injured.

The two staff- a driver and a health worker- were in the WHO vehicle with number plate UN-5/34 when they were attacked by ULA/AA group near Yarmaung Bridge in Minbya around 5 pm while they are on the way to Yangon as the airlines were suspended. They were taken to the Minbya People’s Hospital.

The World Health Organization’s vehicle was left in the scene and plans are underway to bring it back on 21 April. While the world is combatting the COVID-19 global pandemic by preventing, containment and treatment of the coronavirus disease, the attack on the WHO vehicle with UN emblem and staff on their global pandemic mission by the ULA/AA group occurred, and the attack reflects the ULA/AA group’s inhuman acts. —MNA