Uncut jade stones seized in search operation

Namti 30 July

Local police confiscated uncut jade stones from two motorbikes at a checkpoint in Mogaung Township, Kachin State on 29 July.

A police squad from Namti police station led by Police Sub-inspector Wai Phyo Aung intercepted two motorcycles heading to Myitkyina from Phakant while performing law enforcement activities together with departmental officials at a checkpoint on Myitkyina-Tanai Road at about 4:30 p.m. on 29 July. The search of two motorbikes led to the discovery of 30 raw jade stones weighing 122 viss.

In connection with the case, two motorcyclists identified as Thant Zin, 32 years old from Ottarathiri Township, Nay Pyi Taw Council Area and Angel Lay, 28 years of age from Myitkyina were charged under the Myanmar Gemstone Law by the local police.—Win Naing
Translated by Kyaw Htike Soe