Understand the unique value of concerted efforts and forests

The recent cyclonic storm that struck various parts of Rakhine State during the early monsoon season was a grave test for its inhabitants. However, thanks to meticu­lous preparations, swift rescue and relief efforts, and a dedicated process of rehabilitation and reconstruction, the people managed to withstand the storm’s ferocity with minimal casualties, losses, and infrastructure damage.


The success of Myanmar in confronting this severe storm can be attributed to the combined efforts of the Union government, the Rakhine State government, departmental personnel, social organizations, and local communities. Additionally, contributions from both domestic and foreign individuals played a significant role in mitigating the storm’s impact.


Unfortunately, the storm resulted in the loss of natural forests and mangrove forests in Ra­khine State. Despite the dev­astation caused by the strong winds, these trees served as a protective barrier against the storm’s effects. This highlights the importance of appreciat­ing the unique value of forests, trees, and windbreaks.


In response to the de­struction, officials have iden­tified suitable tree species for cultivation in the areas affect­ed by the storm. It is essen­tial to replace the fallen trees with new ones and restore and regenerate mangrove plants along Sittway Beach. The Min­istry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation has devised a plan to grow 24.619 million trees across the nation, 204,200 saplings of which will be planted in Rakhine State this monsoon as a special initiative for suc­cessful reforestation. As the forest cover in Rakhine State dwindles, it becomes crucial to protect and expand forests and mangrove forests by cultivating more saplings. It is imperative that the trees selected for cultivation are resilient to storm impacts and do not impede the urbanization process in the region.


During the storm, Rakhine State experienced heavy rainfall, leading to the destruction of buildings and trees. However, the presence of thriving trees and the proactive measures taken by the people prevented the land from being ravaged. The trees played a vital role in averting landslides and flooding triggered by the storm named Mocha. This serves as a valuable lesson for the residents, illustrating the importance of trees and forests in safeguarding communities against natural disasters.


Residents in Rakhine State have already known the best con­sequence of united strength in natural disasters and the unprece­dented value of trees and forests in preventive measures against disasters. They have enhanced their capacity in an important situation with self-confidence and they have a topic to be handed down to new generations that they had successfully overcome challenges of natural disasters.