Union Commerce Minister attends export promotion coord meeting

A coordination meeting on ex­port promotion was convened at the Yangon Region Office at 9 am yesterday.


The gathering was attend­ed by Union Minister for Com­merce U Tun Ohn, regional of­ficials from the Department of Trade and the Department of Consumer Affairs, the secretary of the Work Committee on En­suring the Smooth Flow of Trade and Goods, and officials from the Myanma Port Authority, the My­anmar Rice Federation, and the Myanmar Pulses, Beans, Maize, and Sesame Seeds Merchants Association.


During the meeting, the Union minister highlighted the government’s commitment to bolstering the national economy and boosting exports. Targets for the 2024-25 Financial Year have already been set, including monthly export goals for rice, beans, maize, and rubber. The Union minister emphasized the importance of concerted efforts to achieve these export targets. Additionally, he urged all those responsible to ensure a seamless supply chain for rice exports, from cultivation to dis­tribution, to expand external market share. Other priorities outlined include increasing ex­ports of beans and corn, stabi­lizing the domestic crop market, boosting exports of CMP gar­ments, fish, prawns, and oth­er aquatic products, granting priority to rice-exporting ships to moor at the ports, and ad­dressing logistics requirements such as containers and lorries to meet port demands. — MNA/ TMT