Union Constitutional Tribunal Chair-led delegation arrives back from Russia

At the invitation of Constitu­tional Court of the Russian Fed­eration Chairman Mr Valery D Zorkin, the delegation led by Chairman of the Constitu­tional Tribunal of the Union U Aung Zaw Thein attended the International Conference and the 12th International Legal Forum (XII St Petersburg In­ternational Legal Forum) held from 26 to 28 June under the title “Protection of Rights and Constitutional Supervision” in St Petersburg, Russia, and returned to Yangon by air on 30 June.


The international confer­ence was attended by chairper­sons and chief justices of the constitutional courts and chief justices of the member coun­tries of the Association of Asian Constitutional Courts (AACC) and equivalent institutions, including Myanmar and other invited legal scholars and heads of international organizations. They exchanged views on con­stitutional judicial experiences related to the protection of con­stitutional rights and freedoms and the application of the con­stitutional review system.


Chief justices from 30 coun­tries, law ministers, judges and legal experts attended the 12th International Legal Forum. Chairman of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union U Aung Zaw Thein and Member U Khin Maung Oo attended the inter­national conference and the 12th International Legal Forum. — MNA/TS