Union Minister Dr Myint Htwe holds meeting with front-line health workers of COVID-19 treatment

Union Minister for Health and Sports Dr Myint Htwe discussed with the medical professors, doctors and nurses who were working closely for the treatment to COVID-19 patients in Yangon General Hospital, North Okkalapa People’s Hospital, Thingangyun People’s Hospital and Insein People’s Hospital through video conferencing yesterday morning.

The meeting discussed the need of the doctors and nurses in treatment to the COVID-19 patients and to fulfill from the Central Committee and the suggestions from them.

The Union Minister said that the COVID-19 crisis in Myanmar was the biggest public and medical challenge in the ministry’s history and there may be a need to deal with a sudden increase in patients.

He added that the Yangon’s COVID-19 prevention, control and treatment coordinating committee was formed on 11 September to manage the requirements of the hospitals and the quarantine centres in a timely manner and it was important to know the suggestions from the medical staffs who were giving medical care to the patients in hospitals in order to decide correctly.

The Union Minister also discussed fulfillment on the recommendation of doctors and nurses, sufficient medical supplies by using dashboard for management in medicines and medical supplies.

Then, the doctors in the front line of COVID-19 treatment made their reports on the situation of high dependency unit and intensive care unit at the Yangon General Hospital, the needs of more health workers and other healthcare facilities at the North Okkalapa People’s Hospital, Thingangyun People’s Hospital and Insein People’s Hospital.

Union Minister Dr Myint Htwe coordinated the reports and discussed providing assistances.—MNA


(Translated by Ei Phyu Phyu Aung)