Union Minister Dr Pe Myint inspects MRTV in Tatkon, Printing Factory, Press House in Nay Pyi Taw

Union Minister for Information Dr Pe Myint yesterday inspected Myanma Radio and Television (MRTV) in Tatkon Township, Printing and Publishing Department in Zeyathiri Township, Nay Pyi Taw Printing Factory and the Press House of News and Periodicals Enterprise (NPE) in Nay Pyi Taw. Union Minister Dr Pe Myint, Deputy Minister U Aung Hla Tun and other officials arrived at the Conference Room of the MRTV in Nay Pyi Taw at 10 am on 4 November. MRTV Director-General U Ye Naing explained TV programmes on the General Elections, activities related to COVID-19, TV Programmes marking the Yangon University centenary, plans for the Diamond Jubilee of the MRTV, and TV programmes featuring milestones of ministries. Union Minister Dr Pe Myint and Deputy Minister U Aung Hla Tun made discussions and necessary suggestions.


After that, the Union Minister and his entourage inspected News Studio 1 and 2 of the MRTV. In the afternoon, the Union Minister and his entourage arrived at the Nay Pyi Taw Printing Factory. Printing and Publishing Department’s Acting Director-General U Ko Ko Naing explained about the activities of the department. The Union Minister and the Deputy Minister made necessary suggestions. The Union Minister and his entourage also visited Pho Waziya Hall of the NPE. Managing Director U Thet Swe of the NPE explained the plans to announce results of the elections to be held on 8 November, the plan to publish articles and interviews featuring Yangon University centenary, and publishing milestones (2016-2020) of ministries.


Regarding the explanations, the Union Minister and the Deputy Minister made discussions and necessary suggestions.


During his visits to the departments, Union Minister Dr Pe Myint said that all officials and staff members need to adhere to the COVID-19-related guidelines and instructions at their workplaces. The Union Minister also discussed the previous programmes featuring Myanmar motion picture centenary, current programmes featuring Yangon University centenary, broadcast and publishing of content related to milestones of ministries and regional governments, and preparations for the Diamond Jubilee of the MRTV. He also discussed the transition to digital media and the need to adapt to technological changes.—MNA 


(Translated by Maung Maung Swe)