Union Minister Dr Pe Myint meets with artists, stakeholders of movie, broadcast industries

December 31, 2019

Union Minister for Information Dr Pe Myint held a meeting with the artists and stakeholders of movie and broadcast industries at the Sky Star Hotel in Tamway Township, Yangon, yesterday evening.

The meeting was also attended by Yangon Region Chief Minister U Phyo Min Thein, Deputy Minister for Information U Aung Hla Tun, Yangon Region Government’s Rakhine Ethnic Affairs Minister U Zaw Aye Maung, Permanent Secretary U Myo Myint Maung, the Directors-General, the patrons of Myanmar Motion Picture Organization, its chairman and officials, responsible persons for Myanmar Broadcasters Association, movie and television artists, businesspersons and invited guests.

In delivering a speech, the Union Minister said that organizations and artists of movie and broadcast industries are partners of the Ministry of Information, and that a close and friendly relationship is required for all.

The MOI is a partner of literary, journalism, music, movie and television industries which have formed relevant associations to protect and safeguard their common interest.

For example, defending art copyright needs involvement of stakeholders. Some associations are aimed for social welfares of artists in the same industry.

The MOI has to deal with literary, music and movie associations, and helps in forming organizations to improve movie industry and to protect welfares of individuals in this industry. The ministry is also supporting development of these industries and created the Film Development Centre on Shwe Taung Gya Road in Bahan Township, Yangon.

Myanmar film has a high potential to be able to penetrate into the international market. Myanmar motion picture has reached its 100th anniversary, and the MOI is very active to enjoy this occasion together with the artists.

After the speech of Union Minister Dr Pe Myint, Patron of MMPO Sithu Bogalay Tint Aung, its Chairman Nyi Nyi Tun Lwin and Vice Chairman of Myanmar Broadcasters Association U Khin Maung Htay made discussions.

After the meeting, the Union Minister hosted a dinner to the attendees. —MNA (Translated by Aung Khin)