Union Minister Nai Thet Lwin attends 19th Kayan National Day Celebration

Union Minister for Ethnic Affairs Nai Thet Lwin attended the 19th Anniversary of Kayah National Day Celebration held, at 8 a.m. yesterday, in Demawso Township, Kayah State.

First, attendees took up their respective places and saluted the National Flag and the Kayan National Flag. Afterwards Chairman of the 19th Kayan National Day Celebration Committee Khun Fransisco delivered an opening speech. Then Union Minister for Ethnic Affairs Nai Thet Lwin delivered a speech on the occasion of the 19th anniversary of Kayan National Day.

In his speech, he said that the Kayan Nation Day has been celebrating since 2001, and it was also acknowledged that the power of patriotism and unity could be seen through their endavour of holding the national day celebration. All the nationals residing in the union were duty-bound to safeguard their literature, culture and customs. Moreover it had been prescribed to get equal rights in language, literature, arts, culture, customs, religion, right of learning, right to receive medical treatment, getting employment rights and business in the Constitution of the State. As for the Ministry of Ethnic Affairs, efforts were being made to enjoy the fundamental rights of the Constitution while protecting the rights of the ethnic races in accordance with the prescribed laws.

He added that it would need to be proved that all the national brethren were residing in the union through thick and thin and, unity is strength although there were some differences. These differences could be regarded as one of the basic fact that should not be neglected. Permissions were being granted to hold freely the cultural festivals and ceremonies of the ethnic races across the nation. At the same time, the State has supported to take place the celebrations, and which was as an effort to meet all the ethnic races at one place together and could foster friendships among the ethnic races. As for the Kayan national, they would grasp thatkind of opportunity. In doing so, it was of great importance for the Kayan nationals to carry out the implementation process. The State has been striving to create a Democratic Federal Union while marching towards our goals through absolute trust, solidarity and resolute determination.

Next, State Chief Minister U L Phaung Sho, a representative on behalf of the Shan State Chief Minister and minister for Shan State’s Kayan ethnic affairs U Khun Aye Maung delivered forward messages and then they awarded the prizes. Afterwards, Chairman of the Kayan National Unity Committee Khun Shamu Ayelar concluded the celebration with a closing speech.

After the ceremony, all the attendees posed for commemorative photographs together while being entertained by ethnic national dances. — MNA (Translated by Win Ko Ko Aung)