Union Minister, officials seek means for film industry development

UNION Minister for Information Dr Pe Myint met officials of Myanmar Motion Picture Organization (MMPO) at MRTV office in Yangon yesterday morning, and sought means for development of Myanmar films.


In his keynote address, the Union Minister said the motion picture academy award presentation ceremony was postponed because of COVID-19. As the film production, distribution and screening have also come to temporary halt, there appear worries about a long-term closure of the whole industry. Hence, proper suggestions based on the film/ TV production and screening in foreign countries alongside the measures for COVID-19 prevention were presented. A demonstration of the production of a film in accordance with the guidelines of the Ministry of Health and Sports (MoHS) was presented to the officials, and the arrangements are underway for another demonstration of the safety plans at cinemas. In this regard, preparations for holding the academy award presentation ceremony and the centenary of the Myanmar motion picture must be conducted in accordance with the health guidelines.


Then Chairman of MMPO U Nyi Nyi Tun Lwin and executive committee members presented reports on the proposals for production of new films in coordination with officials, keeping of travells records of all the performers of a film, COVID-19 prevention measures taken at the film studios and outdoor sites, the designation of 13 October this year as the date for the centenary and the making of an approval for the grand centenary with the participation of the public in December this year at the meeting in coming August and the safety measures at the academy award presenting ceremony. The Union Minister looked into the require611 Myanmar nationals from Thailand return through Myawady border A total of 611 Myanmar migrant workers returned from Thailand through Myawady Friendship Bridge (2) yesterday. Kayin State Hluttaw representative U Thant Zin Aung, District Administrator U Tayzar Aung, Township Administrator U Phyo Zaw Ko Ko, Myawady District Immigration and Population Department Head U Aung Khine Swe and officials provided the returnees with health examinations and other needs. Until now a total of 45,703 Myanmar citizens came back through this border crossing since 1 May. Yesterday’s batch of returnees included 339 males and 272 females.—Htain Lin Aung (IPRD) (Translated by Kyaw Zin Tun) Myanmar migrant workers returned from Thailand are seen at the Myawady border on 11 July 2020. PHOTO : HTAIN LIN AUNG (IPRD) ments.


Director-General of Myanma Radio and TV U Ye Naing and acting heads of Information and Public Relations Department and Printing and Publishing Department also took part in the discussions.


Union Minister Dr Pe Myint discussed the holding of the taskforce meeting of the centenary in the third week of coming August and preparations for ensuring safety at the film shooting sites and cinemas.


In the afternoon, the Union Minister took part in the meeting on the progress of the MRTV work at the same venue. Director-General of MRTV U Ye Naing presented a report on the continuous airing of the Arzani Day commemorative programmes and the live broadcasting of the 73rd Anniversary Arzani Day, and the production and broadcasting of awareness programmes for coming General Election 2020.


Union Minister Dr Pe Myint then inspected the preparations for live broadcasting of the Arzani Day, the General Election and the motion picture centenary.— MNA (Translated by TMT)