Union Minister U Kyaw Tin participates in 11th ASEAN-UN Summit

16 Nov

On behalf of the State Counsellor of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Union Minister for International Cooperation U Kyaw Tin, participated in the 11th ASEAN-United Nations Summit which was held via video conference at 8:30 am yesterday from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nay Pyi Taw.

The Summit was chaired by Mr Nguyen Xuan Phuc, Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam in his capacity as the Chair of ASEAN in 2020 and attended by Leaders of ASEAN Member States and their representatives and the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

During the Summit, the Leaders discussed and exchanged views on future cooperation between ASEAN and the United Nations as well as on regional and international issues. They recognized the unprecedented challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and underlined the importance of developing vaccines that are safe, efficient, accessible and affordable to all. They also agreed to intensify joint efforts in combating the growing threat of transnational organized crimes in the region.

In his statement, Union Minister U Kyaw Tin appreciated the progress of the ASEAN-UN comprehensive partnership. He also stressed the need to reinvigorate multilateralism and international solidarity and to strengthen joint efforts in maintaining strategic stability and ensuring inclusive, resilient and sustainable recovery from the current crisis posed by the global pandemic.

In response to the remarks on Rakhine State, the Union Minister assured that resolving the issue of displaced persons will remain one of the top priorities of the Government during its second term. He added that despite all the challenges, Myanmar remains committed to receiving verified displaced persons in line with our bilateral agreement with our neighbor. He reaffirmed that Myanmar will continue working closely with ASEAN and the United Nations Agencies to lay out a sustainable foundation for peace, stability, and development for all people in Rakhine State.

In respond to the comment with regard to the boat people, the Union Minister shared concerns over the plight of those who are victims of human trafficking and underscored the need to look at the issue in a broader regional context in addressing the root causes of the issue including economic insecurity and criminal activities of the traffickers and terrorists.

Together with the Union Minister, Permanent Secretary and senior officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were present at the ASEAN-United Nations Summit.