Union Minister U Thein Swe holds meeting with labour organizations

17 Oct

Union Minister for Labour, Immigration and Population U Thein Swe attended the coordination meeting with representatives of labour organizations to discuss the situation of the opening factories and workplaces during the COVID-19 crisis and the situation of the continuous provision of social security benefits to employees in social security covered factories, workplaces and business departments, yesterday afternoon through video- conferencing.

The meeting was also attended by Deputy Minister for Labour, Immigration and Population U Myint Kyaing, Minister for Yangon Region Daw Moe Moe Su Kyi, the Directors-General and Departmental officials.

At the meeting, the Union Minister said the labour sector is being prioritized during the second wave of COVID-19 pandemic and from 12 October, A-level factories designated by the Ministry of Health and Sports have been allowed to operate under the Yangon Region government programme in accordance with the set rules and regulations and it is important that all stakeholders need to work together for the economic recovery on post-COVID-19 period.

He said to the Workplace Coordination Committee (WCC) to make sure the employers and employees cooperate for the prevention of COVID-19 in their workplaces and to precisely follow the guidelines of the Ministry of Health and Sports while working.
He added that the respective authority is also inspecting the workplaces that are not considered to be in compliance with the submitted specifications.

The Union Minister explained the social security benefits to the workers, pregnant women and workers in quarantine centres that the government has provided during the unemployment period.

During the first wave of COVID-19 crisis, the government provided 19,640.636 million kyats for the 800,260 employees and workers from 6,429 works places that were closed from 20 April to 15 May 2020 and 863,900 employees who included in the stay-at-home programmes during the second wave of COVID-19 crisis were provided with 60,146 million kyats.

The government also provided medical treatment to PUI patients with two ICU beds and 18 isolation beds and there were 1,859 inpatients and 403,972 outpatients during the first wave of COVID-19 period and 934 inpatients and 172,522 outpatients from 1 August to 14 October. Seven hundred and seventy-two insured workers were COVID-19 positive and they are being treated at relevant COVID-19 hospitals.

The Union Minister continued that the Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Population is giving priority to the interest of employers and workers and he urged the workers to strictly abide by the guidelines of the Ministry of Health and Sports and cooperate with the relevant authorities.

The Labour organizations presented the difficulties encountered in opening workplaces and factories and the cooperation of workers and employers to prevent the spread of COVID-19 disease.

After they had suggested to inspect the factories and workplaces which break the rules and regulations of the Ministry of Health and Sport, the Union Minister, the Deputy Minister, Yangon Region Minister and responsible persons discussed the suggestions.

MNA (Translated by Ei Phyu Phyu Aung)
