Union ministers discuss possible resumption of film, TV shootings, cinemas

01 July 

Union ministers held a coordination meeting yesterday to resume shooting of films and TV programmes and reopening of cinemas.

The meeting was attended by Union Minister for Investment and Foreign Economic Relations U Thaung Tun, Union Minister for Information Dr Pe Myint, Union Minister for Religious Affairs and Culture Thura U Aung Ko, Union Minister for Health and Sports Dr Myint Htwe, Deputy Minister U Aung Hla Tun, permanent secretaries, officials, the chairman and secretary of Myanmar Motion Picture Organization, film producers, responsible persons in production of Bogyoke Aung San biopic and officials from TV channels and partner organizations.

Union Minister Dr Pe Myint made an opening remark at the meeting, saying the ministry’s works for development of film and TV industries, decisions to be made only in mid-August for celebrating centenary of Myanmar film industry, postponement of academy award giving ceremony, difficulties of film workers in their livelihoods due to the close-down of this industry, situations of TV industry in the countries of Europe and the United States, possible assistance to film workers from the COVID-19 national-level central committee and practical measures against COVID-19 when the industry resumed.

Union Minister Thura U Aung Ko explained production of Bogyoke Aung San biopic which started shootings on 30 September last year, and was suspended on 25 March.

Union Minister Dr Myint Htwe emphasized on social distancing in prevention of pandemic, the threat of imported cases, high risk of this disease in film and TV industries and the need to develop guidelines before resuming the industry.

Union Minister U Thaung Tun discussed the short and long term plan for facing against this disease, assistance to the workers in these industries and possible infections in the cinemas during two to three hours films, and following recommendation of MoHS when the cinemas are reopened.

Secretary U Zaw Myint Oo of MMPO held talks on resumption of shootings and reopening of cinemas, COVID-19 loans for film industry.

Officials from the Forever Group Co., Ltd, the Shwe Than Lwin Media Co., Ltd, the Mingalar Cinemas and responsible persons from film and TV businesses made discussions of relevant sectors. Union Minister Dr Myint Htwe, Deputy Minister U Aung Hla Tun and Permanent Secretary U Myo Myint Maung coordinated the discussions before the concluding remark of Union Minister Dr Pe Myint.

MNA (Translated by Aung Khin)