Upgrade of inter-village road in Bhamo Township inspected

Bhamo 26 January

With the aim of being more convenient in transportation sector, upgrade of inter-village roads is being undertaken in Bhamo Township, Kachin State. On 26 January, officials from Township Department of Rural Road Development made an inspection at the site of upgrade of inter-village roads in Konemahat village.

The officials inspected the road measuring one mile and four furlong in length, 16 ft in width and seven inches in volume and called the responsible people for the timely completion, meeting the set standard.

The project is being conducted with K 964.99 million of funds of the state by tender winning company and now it is nearing completion. Upon completion, it will benefit a total of 2936 people from four villages, according to the Township Department.

Maung Khaing

Translated by Suyee