Upgraded BEHS (branch) opens in Htantabin Township

Htantabin, 11 June


A ceremony to open an upgraded basic education high school (branch) was held in Tahlaihme Village, Htantabin Township in Yangon Region on 10 June.



The upgraded school signboard was inaugurated by Pyithu Hluttaw Representative U Nay Myo Tun, District Education Officer Daw Aye Thandar Chit, Township Administrator U Than Zaw Lin and concerned officials by cutting a ceremonial ribbon. Next, the lawmaker, the district education officer, the township education officer and the township education officer delivered speeches. On behalf of local people, the village administrator spoke words of thanks. 


Talaihme primary school was set up in 1956 and was promoted to post primary school in 2014. The school was upgraded to a middle school in 2019 and was promoted to a high school (branch) on 1 June. The school with 14 teachers has admitted to 348 students in this academic year. Six schools in Htantabin Township were upgraded in the academic year 2019-2020.—Zin Min Htike


Translated by Kyaw Htike Soe