Upgraded schools open in Tonzang Township

Khaingkam, 16 June


School upgrading ceremonies were held at designated schools in Tonzang Township, Chin State on Saturday.




At the event, Chin State Minister for Social Affairs U Pau Lun Min Thang, Pyithu Hluttaw Representative and Secretary of the Myanmar Education Promotion Committee U Kham Khant Thang and Township Education Officer U Pau Kyant Kham cut a ceremonial ribbon to open the upgraded schools. Next, the Chin State minister, the Lower House MP and the secretary of the Myanmar Education Promotion Committee elaborated on educational reforms being carried out by the government and future programmes.


A basic education primary school was opened in Twlegal Village in 1977 and was promoted to a post primary school on 6 June 2014. It was upgraded to a basic middle school (branch) on 17 July 2015 and was promoted to a basic middle school on 5 July 2018. A basic education primary school was launched in Twekhainzan Village as a self-reliant basis in 1991 and later it was opened as a primary school. The school was promoted to a post primary school on 3 June 2004 and was upgraded to a basic middle school (branch) on 9 July 2014.—Khaingkam IPRD


Translated by Kyaw Htike Soe