Vaccination processes continue as planned in states/regions

November 10


THE Tatmadaw medics, doctors, nurses and health workers of Public Hospitals including the volunteers are trying hard in COVID-19 vaccination programmes across the nation. They vaccinate the monks, nuns, people aged over 55, members of ethnic armed groups, patients with chronic diseases, people at IDP camps and the students aged over 12 in respective regions and states.


A total of 1,110 people from three townships of Shan State (North) received their vaccines yesterday while 4,715 from six townships of Shan State (East), 29,590 monks and locals from 14 townships of Mon and Kayin states, 4,630 from Dawei and Palauk townships of Taninthayi Region, 4,832 from four townships of Yangon Region, 35,817 from 26 townships of Ayeyawady Region, 10,588 from 10 townships of Rakhine State, 135 from Salingyi Township of Sagaing Region, 7,520 from seven districts of Mandalay Region and 2,680 from Htantabin and Ottwin townships of Bago Region respectively received their vaccines.


Moreover, the medics vaccinated 24students in Mongkhat Township of Shan State (East), 1,044 students in North Okkalapa Township of Yangon Region, 4,126 students from 26 townships of Ayeyawady Region and 2,048 students in three townships of Rakhine State yesterday.


The respective military command commanders inspected the vaccination processes and provided the necessary things. — MNA