Vice President U Henry Van Thio, wife cast votes in Thantlang

Vice President U Henry Van Thio and wife Dr Shwe Hlwan cast their votes for 2020 General Election at the Polling Station No 1 of Ward No 2 in Thantlang Township, Haka District in Chin State yesterday.

There are a total of 33,806 eligible voters and 105 polling stations in Thantlang Township. Polling stations were opened starting from 6 am.

Officials from township election sub-commission, polling station heads and staff, polling station securities and volunteers provided necessary things to the voters so that they can vote safely at the polling stations in accordance with COVID-19 guidelines of the Ministry of Health and Sports and not to spread COVID-19 infection. — Thantlang Township IPRD 


(Translated by Kyaw Zin Tun)