Vice-Senior General Soe Win boosts morale at Tatmadaw Hospital in Mingaladon

State Administration Council Vice-Chairman Deputy Com­mander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe Win, accompanied by his wife Daw Than Than Nwe, senior military officers and their wives from the Office of the Command­er-in-Chief and the Yangon Com­mand commander visited and uplifted the spirits of officers, other ranks, and family mem­bers undergoing treatment at the 1,000-bed Tatmadaw Hospi­tal’s special treatment centre in Mingaladon Township yesterday morning.


Initially, Vice-Senior Gen­eral Soe Win arrived at the special treatment centre of the Tatmadaw Hospital, where the commandant of the military hospital and officials warmly welcomed them. Following the reception, Vice-Senior General Soe Win personally attended to the needs of officers and other ranks receiving medical care, enquiring about their treatment progress and overall health con­ditions. He provided both nour­ishment and cash assistance (allowances) to support them.


Simultaneously, Daw Than Than Nwe, the wife of the Vice-Senior General, and her entourage visited the spe­cial treatment centre. They extended care to dependents and family members, attentive­ly observing each individual’s health status, enquiring about their medical treatment, and offering encouragement. They also provided food and cash assistance to the hospitalized officers, other ranks, and their family members, which Tat­madaw Medical Corp officials gratefully accepted.


Furthermore, the Vice-Sen­ior General presented cash as­sistance to the dedicated health workers serving in the hospital. The commandant of the Tatmad­aw Hospital graciously received the cash assistance on behalf of the healthcare staff. — MNA/TS