Village road launched in Thanbyuzayet Twsp.

Thanbyuzayet, 18 May

An event to inaugurate a concrete road was held in Setse Daminseik Village in Thanbyuzayet Township, Mon State this morning.

The facility was formally opened by Mon State Minister for Agriculture, Livestock and Transport U Tun Htay, the Lower House MP for Thanbyuzayet Constituency U Nyan Hein, and an official from the Department of Fisheries by cutting a ceremonial ribbon. The new road was built with Ks. 7 million and is very important to residents who make a living by fishing.

Also present on the occasion were Township Administrator U Thein Htut, members of township Emerald Green Project, and local people.—Aye Aye Thi

Translated by Kyaw Htike Soe