Among the ASEAN coun­tries, Myanmar, known for its rich ancient cul­tural heritage, ecotourism areas, and recreational beaches, has been receiving international tourists since the resumption of its tourism sector after the Covid-19 period.


To promote Myanmar’s tourism sector, the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism, in col­laboration with the Myanmar Tourism Federation, the Myan­mar Hoteliers Association, the Myanmar Tourism Operators Association, and other affiliated organizations, is taking the initi­ative to boost tourism industry. In 2023, over 1.2 million foreign tourists visited Myanmar, with most heading to the Bagan An­cient Cultural Zone.


“There are still fewer tour­ists in Myanmar’s tourism sector compared to the period before Covid-19. Therefore, we are all making efforts to pro­mote our Myanmar tourism sector. The key is to showcase the beauty and nature of My­anmar. Since the majority of visitors come from neighbour­ing countries, we offer the fast­est visa-on-arrival system for tourists from China, India, and ASEAN countries. China’s Yun­nan province, sharing border with Myanmar, is expected to attract more tourists to visit Myanmar. International flights are convenient and smooth; so many people are visiting Myan­mar. Most Chinese tourists who travel to other countries visit with a visa. Thailand ranks sec­ond, with tourists entering via border visas. The department is implementing tourism pro­motion programmes to attract more foreign tourists,” stated U Zeyar Myo Aung, Deputy Direc­tor-General of the Directorate of Hotels and Tourism.


In 2024, foreign tourists have been continuously entering Myanmar from early January to May. At the end of May, due to the decrease in heat, more for­eign tourists are visiting the Ba­gan Ancient Cultural Zone than at the beginning of the month.


The visit of foreign tourists to Myanmar is recognition of the country’s ancient cultural heritage, natural beauty, and sincere friendliness. The Min­istry of Hotels and Tourism is conducting tourism promotion programmes to revitalize the tourism sector, in line with ef­forts by other ASEAN countries. — Thitsa (MNA)/TKO