A Visit toSaddan Cave & Saddan Lakein Myanmar

2 December

IN Kayin and Mon States where there are plenty of natural lime-stone-mountains, caves such as ‘Bayintnyi  Cave’,  ‘Yathaypyan  Cave’, ‘Kawtgone Cave’, ‘Waep-yan  Cave’  and  ‘Saddan  Cave’  are the famous tourist attrac-tions for those from home and abroad. In those caves wonders of  nature,  Buddhistic  cultur-al heritages and antiques can be  viewed.  Most  of  the  caves  are  the  cul-de-sac  ones  with  no exits at the ends. Some are the  ones  with  both  entrances  and exits. 

To the Saddan Cave

Out  of  the  natural  caves  in  Kayin  State,  the  Saddan  Cave  has  both  entrance  and  exit. Its entrance is the widest and its length in the cave is the longest,  among  all  the  caves  there.  In  Eastern  Poe  Karen  Language, the Saddan Cave is called  ‘Htant  Kamart  Kham-ite’. ‘Htant’ is meant for a cave, ‘Kamart’ for a lake and ‘Kham-ite’  for  ‘Kant  Eit’  tree.  That’s  why it means a lake near to the lake where ‘Kant Eit’ trees are growing.  The  Saddan  Cave  is  situated at the southern end of Zwegabin Mountain Ranges, to be exact, in the village of ‘Ka-wt-War-Hsu’  of  ‘Kawt-Mu-Tar’ village tract, 20 miles far from south  of  Hpa-an  town.  As  the  surrounding area of the moun-tain is at the lower level, water usually  inundates  around  the  foot  of  the  mountain  in  rainy  seasons.

A  study  tour  group  com-prising  of  post-graduate  diploma  trainees  of  Yangon  University  visited  the  Saddan  Cave via ‘Ein-du’ village on the motorway,  east  of  ‘Zwegabin’  mountain.  The  study  group  proceeded  to  ‘Kawt-War-Hsu’  village,  5  miles  far  from  Ein-du  along  the  red  earth  road.  After passing the villages—‘Ka-wt-Seinban’,  ‘Ahtet’,  ‘Lar-La-Mein’  and  ‘Kawt-Thein-Khee’  the study tour group reach the foot of the Saddan Cave, at the end of the wide lake. 

The Saddan Cave is acces-sible  through  several  routes,  via ‘Ein-du’ village, 13 miles far from Hpa-an, or Hpa-an—Don-Yin  motor  way  in  the  west  of  Zwegabin mountain or ‘Shwe-Pyi-Taw-Kin’  branch  road  af-ter passing Jai (Zar-Tha-Pyin) Bridge  for  those  who  come  from  Mawlamyaing.  In  rainy  seasons, we can go by road in the west of Zwegabin Ranges, and we can reach the Saddan Cave by boat, on arrival at the village  of  ‘Kawt-Tha-Loe’  10  miles far from ‘Hpa-an’.  

Now,  being  the  rainy  sea-son,  the  open  space  where  motor  vehicles  coming  to  the  Saddan  Cave  used  to  park  in  summer is now being inundated with  water.  The  lake  covering  20  acres,  which  is  situated  at  the southern part of the moun-tain  is  nearly  always  flooded  with water. The lake is joined to ‘Hsin-Hai-Taung’ called ‘Htant-Bai-Nart’  and  ‘Inn-Gyi—the  Lake’ in the south. Local peo-ple  used  to  say  that  the  said  Lake had been the one in which the Buddha-to-be King Saddan Elephant took pleasure by play-ing in this lake. So, the Saddan Lake had been named after the King Saddan Elephant.

At  the  threshold  of  the  stairways  at  the  entrance  of  the  Saddan  Cave,  two  white  elephant  statues  with  12  feet  each  in  height  can  be  found.  Those  white-elephant  statues  were  inaugurated  on  the  full-moon day of Tabaung, 1339 ME. Two signboards which read in Myanmar/English  Bilinguals  ‘These  caves  are  parts  of  our  national  heritages,  hence  the  need  to  preserve  them,’  had  been  erected  nearby.  In  addi-tion,  on  the  signboards  eco system  of  limestone,  benefits  which result from the limestone mountain and causes which can ruin limestone-mountains were described with color photos. 

We have to climb up along the  3-tired  stairways  floored  with  enameled  plates  to  the  entrance  of  the  Saddan  Cave,  which is 50 feet high above the ground.  The  entrance  of  the  Cave is about 100 feet in width and  it  is  70-100  feet  in  height.  The Cave faces east, so it gets light and sunshine which makes the Cave dry and clean. In rainy seasons,  as  there  is  leakage  of  some  water  in  the  Cave,  it  is humid in it, or otherwise in summer seasons. 

Buddha  Images  on  Clay  Tablets of the Saddan Cave 

At the side of the mountain and  at  the  entrance  of  ‘Kawt-gone’ and ‘Yathaypyan’ Caves, Buddha  Images  are  mostly  found. Likewise, in the Saddan Cave as well miniature Buddha Images on clay tablets can be found to have been donated on the interior wall of the Cave at the  upper  right  corner  of  the  cave  entrance  of  width.  Some  Buddha Images on clay tablets of the Saddan Cave had come off  to  destruction.  Now,  two  big  empty  spots  can  be  seen  20 feet high from the ground, at the north of the Cave, in which clay images seem to have been pasted on the wall. The upper spot is estimated at about 6 feet in length, and the lower one at nearly 8 feet. At a conservative estimate,  there  will  be  some  1000 of Buddha Images of 2 and half  inches  each  in  height,  in  those spots.

After inspecting the broad entrance of the cave around, we can enter the cave so that we can go out from the exit of the cave.  At  the  end  of  19th  brick  stairway at the south-west cor-ner of the Cave, we started to get into the cave. In rainy sea-sons, the whole inner part of the Cave is wet with water, and the ground surface is smooth. Pre-viously, the path in the cave was completely dark. Yet, roads had been  paved  newly  and  lights  had  been  installed.  From  the  entrance  of  the  Saddan  Cave  to its exit, it is 4 furlong long.

Acid which contains in rain water  erodes  the  limestone  mountain. Over a long period of time, stalagmites and caves had been caused along the cracks. Underground  current  water  as  well  caused  underground  springs. Limestone-mountains situated  near  to  sea  coasts  caused caves due to lapping of sea  waves  and  touching  with  saline  water  constantly.  Simi-larly,  erosion  of  underground  water  usually  causes  caves.  Most  of  the  natural  caves  are  tunnels  that  go  into  sides  of  mountains.  Depending  upon  situations  of  locations  human  beings in the Stone Age used to have lived in convenient Caves while animals and beasts lived in some caves.

Caves  and  their  surround-ing areas

In  the  natural  limestone  caves  in  Kayin  State,  millions  of bats live. Bats are biological species  that  controls  the  eco-system of the surrounding ar-eas of the caves. In the Saddan Cave, there are seven kinds of bat species and thirteen kinds of invertebrate animals living. Bats  feed  on  crop-destroying  insects  in  agricultural  farms  of  the  surrounding  areas.  Si-multaneously, they help crops to pollinate and spread seeds. Feces of bats are excellent nat-ural fertilizers and it is also the feed for some living things re-siding  in  the  cave  and  the  lake.    

While going through the  cave,  we  saw  bats  resting  in groups whenever we looked at towards the roof of the cave with the help of the torchlight as we heard bats making high-pitched  squeaks.  Due  to  the  flash  light  of  the  torchlight,  bats suddenly flew, but in a very short period of time they went back  to  their  original  places.  We saw some colored images of palms on the wall somewhere in the cave. Those are not the murals drawn by people in the Stone  Age  which  were  found  in the ‘Pyadarlin Cave’. In fact, they  are  graffiti  scrawled  by  those who came into the cave, by coating their palms with yel-low soil on the floor of the cave and pressing it onto the wall.

No  evidence  was  found  that the Saddan Cave had not been  a  place  Stone  Age  peo-ple resided, though water was available  easily  there.  ‘Pya-darlin  Cave’  situated  in  ‘Ywa-Ngan’ township, southern Shan State could be found out to be a place where Stone Age people lived, according to the result by using  half-life  period  method over some pieces of char coal, ashes and left-over found in the cave.  It  will  have  yet  to  make  research  as  to  whether  Stone  Age people lived in the Saddan Cave or not.

We saw light, which comes through  the  roof  of  the  cave,  shining  along  the  route  while  passing into the cave. In some places fluorescent tubes were found to have been installed. At the time when we arrived, we had an experience of groping in the dark for nearly one hour as there was no electric light. At the end of the Cave we saw the light coming through the roof of the cave suddenly, we could not see even the stairways.

At  the  exit  of  the  Saddan  Cave, we saw water drops leak-ing continuously from the roof. Though  we  cannot  know  how  many  years  it  has  been  drop-ping like this, we saw many pot-holes on the floor of the cave. When  we  walked  down  along  the stairways from the exit of the cave, 3 boats were found to have been moored at the shore-line of the lake of great width. We can see around the Cave by boat, and we can hire the boat for the return trip.

While  going  across  the  Lake,  we  essentially  had  to  pass  ‘Htun-Htunt-Phan’  tun-nel,  in  which  King  Saddan  Elephant used to play for fun. ‘Htun-Htunt-Phan’  is  situated  at  300  feet  far  from  south  of  the Saddan Cave, and 200 feet high  above  the  ground.  The  tunnel  goes  straight  through  from entrance to exit. Being in the rainy season, water nearly touched  with  the  roof  of  the  cave. If passengers are sitting in  the  boat,  the  heads  will  hit  against  the  roof.  So,  we  had  to lie down close to the hull of the boat. As the water surface is only 2 and half feet far away from the cave’s roof, the ferry driver lying with face upward in the boat had to push the roof of the cave with hands, up to the other  end.  It  has  been  learnt  that the lower tunnel is 30 feet deep  and  150  feet  long.  While  crossing the tunnel, bats were seen clinging to the cave’s roof.


Htun-Htunt-Phan  is  situ-ated at the north of the Lake. At  450  feet  far  from  south  of  the  Lake  is  Hsin-Hai-Taung,  which is called ‘Htant-Bai-Nart’ in Kayin language. It is 200 feet high.  At  the  height  of  30  feet  between  the  two  mountains,  there is an entrance of the cave measuring 30 feet in width.

While  crossing  the  wide  lake after passing ‘Htun-Htunt-Phan’ Cave the boat was rowed slowly. As the water is too shal-low  at  some  places,  boatmen  moved their boats by pushing the lake bottom with the bam-boo  pole.  As  the  lake  water  was  so  clear  that  duckweeds  growing  at  the  bottom  of  the  lake were seen, as were lotus and  hyacinth  on  the  surface  of  the  lake.  Aquatic  creatures  are  living  in  the  lake.  In  2014,  it was designated as the sanc-tuary, and catching fishes and other creatures living in water were  strictly  prohibited.  It  is  pleasant and peaceful to travel in  a  boat  in  the  lake  with  the  green Saddan Cave in the back-ground.

As the region of the Saddan Cave  with  rarity  of  damages  to  the  natural  environment  can  control  the  ecosystem  very well, it became a famous tourist attraction for travellers from home and abroad. Lime-stone-mountains  adjust  the  connection  of  the  currents  of  the  watersheds.  And,  the  un-derground  currents  are  also  filling  water  resources.  By  maintaining the favorable eco-system of the Saddan Cave, the natural caves will last for many years, with the progress of the tourism  industry.  (Translated by Khin Maung Oo)

Reference: The Holy Saddan Cave (Mahn Thint Naung, Kawkareik)
Notes on travelogue
By Maung Thar (Archaeology)