Visitors flock to historic Mann Shwesettaw Pagoda

Visitors thronged the fa­mous Mann Shwesettaw Pa­goda situated in Minbu (Sagu) Township, Magway Region, according to U Thein Hlaing, vice-chairperson of the pago­da board of trustees.


The pagoda festival was opened on 14 February 2024 with many amusement pro­grammes, including concerts and music entertainment, and it was crowded with visitors across Myanmar on public holidays. This year is a leap year, so the festival can only be held for 64 days. The construc­tion of new buildings related to the pagoda has also been upgraded.


Reportedly, there are four upgraded lodgings and 54 standard lodgings for visi­tors. First-class lodgings cost K100,000 per day, while sec­ond-class rooms cost K80,000 per day, third-class lodgings cost K50,000 per day, water­front lodgings cost K50,000 per day, and inland accommoda­tions cost K35,000. — Zeya Htet (Minbu)/KZL