Vocational basic sewing course opens in Kyangin  Twsp.

Kyangin, 16 November


With a view to creating job opportunities for rural women and improving their socio-economic status, a basic vocational sewing course was opened at the office of department of rural development in the town of Kyangin, Ayeyawady Region on 15 November.


First, an official from the region department of rural development and chairman of the Township Administration Council U Thein Tan delivered speeches.


Afterwards, an official from the Township department of rural development clarified the purpose of the training course and called on the trainees to practically apply the lessons learned in the training to generate more income in their families.


The 20-day training course is being attended by 30 trainees from 16 villages in the Township.--U Soe Moe Kyaw 
Translated by JT