Volunteering is key to lessening public health burden

18 Sep

COVID-19 positive cases have been climbing up since mid-August, reaching over 4,000 nationwide with 60 deaths yesterday. Fever clinics, aggressive testing, contact tracing of primary and secondary contacts were the keys to control the virus. Acknowledging that early detection is essential to prevent the spread of the virus and deliver successful treatment, small-scale fever clinics have been set up aiming to divert people with mild or moderate symptoms away from hospital emergency departments and GP clinics to reduce the risk of the virus spreading. Severe cases will still be provided treatment at hospitals.

The efforts made by the Union Government have been aimed at slowing the spread of the virus to allow the health system to cope with the surge in cases. In the face of the COVID-19 crisis, the role of the community fever clinics has become an important factor in providing healthcare services to the people, and in diagnosing possible COVID-19 patients because detecting suspected COVID-29 cases at earlier stages can prevent serious conditions from developing. Fever clinics and public hospitals have been at the center of Myanmar’s public health efforts to combat COVID-19. They are also considered to be the first line of defence in the fight against COVID-19.

We are taking pride for the volunteers and doctors who are providing medical care to the patients at the fever clinics nationwide in this time of crisis in our community while suffering from fatigue. Having doctors and volunteers at our fever clinics is like a breath of fresh air for the communities.

We also appeal to volunteers, especially local doctors who closed their private clinics, along with retired government servants, military medical service personnel and private doctors to come forward at this hour of need.

Volunteering to provide medical care to the needy can be considered donating medical services, which is different than other ways of helping out, both physically and mentally. 

Meanwhile, special measures should be taken to ensure that all the needs of the community-based fever clinics are supplied and fulfilled, and we also encourage donating medical equipment and other needs of the clinics. Sharing the public health burden reflects the noble mission of caregivers.