Wall collapse amid heavy rains kills 10 in south India 


At least 10 people died and five injured when a wall collapsed in India's southern state of Telangana early Wednesday, the local police confirmed.

The incident occurred in Telangana's capital city Hyderabad which has seen incessant rains since Tuesday.

The area where the wall collapsed lies in the Old City of Hyderabad which, according to the locals, is a low-lying area.

Due to the incessant rains many parts of the city have been flooded and power supply cut.

TV channels showed cars being washed away in gushing waters, while at other places parked cars were seen fully submerged in water.

People spent last night on their rooftops as knee-deep water entered their homes.

Laxman Yadav, a local resident of Hyderabad, said the Hyderabad city has been receiving heavy rains during the past 24 hours.

"Over the years the population has increased manifolds, touching 10 million, but the local infrastructure remains the same," said Yadav while speaking to Xinhua over phone.

A senior official at the Hyderabad-based Directorate of Enforcement, Vigilance & Disaster Management tweeted, "We are witnessing unprecedented rainfall in the city. 

A high of 25-cm rainfall has been recorded at LB Nagar!! Rains are expected to continue for a few more hours."

The state's disaster response force teams are working round-the-clock trying to normalize the situation in the city.

"Over 200 complaints have been received and teams are engaged in rescue of citizens, clearing water stagnations, treefalls and attending to citizen assistance calls," added the local official in another tweet. 
