Water supply project in rural area of Salin Township completed by 100%

Salin, 14 February

With the aim of providing enough clean drinking water to the rural people in Puhla Village, Salin Township of Magway Region, water supply project has been undertaken since June 27 last year and now, all the projects have been completed 100 percent.

Officials from the Township Department of Rural Development made an inspection tour in the village on February 13. During the inspection, officials meet with responsible persons from Shwe Group Company and members of drinking water supply committee, and gave necessary instructions and stressed the importance of quality construction and maintenance.

A tube well measuring 700 ft. deep and 4 inches wide and a water tank which is 10 ft. long, 8ft. wide and 8ft. high, able to store 5000 gallons of water, was constructed by Shwe Group Company with K 31.5 million allocated by the regional government for 2023-2024 FY, according to the Township Department of Rural Development.—Than Than Soe

Translated by JT