Water supply projects to be conducted in Wuntho Township

Wuntho 11 November


Water supply projects will be conducted in Wattuu and Kinmyintha villages in Wuntho Township, Sagaing Region, according to the Township Department of Rural Development.


Digging a tube well and construction a water tank capable of storing 2400 gallons of water and a water plant will be implemented with K 21 million of funds of Region in Wattuu village. Likewise, digging a tube well and construction of a water tank capable to storing 2000 gallons of water and a water plant will be conducted with K 15.299 million allocated by funds of Union Budget in Kinmyintha village. 


The water supply projects will be undertaken with K 36.299 million in the villages during six-month budget. Upon completion, over 1350 local residents from about 300 households will be available enough water in all seasons, according to an official from the Township Department of Rural Development. 

Min Myint Mo (Kyay Latt)
Translated by Suyee