Water supply projects being implemented in Homane Twsp

Homane 28 January

With the aim of solving water scarcity in summer season, water supply projects and related works are being undertaken in Homane, Langkho District, Shan State (South) in 2020-2021 FY. 

The installation of water pipe line, consturctuion of water tankers capable of storing 5000 gallons of water and related works are being conducted with K 119.387 million allocated by funds of Shan State Government in Maeawe, Narmonglon, Khonelon and Naunglaing villages. The projects are being implemented by tender winning company. 

Upon completion, the lcoal residents in the villages will be available enough purified drinking water in all seasons. 

Ye Naung (Homane)
Translated by Suyee