We need to continuously look at not only the long term health, economic, and social needs of the country but also the political goals: State Counsellor

26 May

State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi wrote on her Facebook page yesterday that in formulating COVID related plans, they were not looking only for a short term solution and that there was a need to continuously look at not only the long term health, economic, and social needs of the country but also the political goals.

The State Counsellor said, “More than 2,000 citizens came back to Myanmar from the Thai border yesterday and the day before yesterday. We had already anticipated that they would return in large numbers like this. Therefore we had made plans accordingly. Initially, we estimated that they would return in early May. The return of the returnees was delayed because of certain COVID related restrictions imposed in Thailand.”

She wrote that arrangements for welcoming the returnees; cooperating with the Ministry of Health and Sports for health issues; making arrangements for them to be transported back to their respective regions and states; all these duties fell mostly on the Kayin State government; she was very much encouraged when she saw that not only the state government but the people were also working with enthusiasm.

She added that in formulating COVID related plans, they were not looking only for a short term solution and that there was a need to continuously look at not only the long term health, economic, and social needs of the country but also the political goals.

In conclusion, she wrote that for union brothers and sisters to confront and overcome a particular challenge together in unity was not an event that had meaning only for a day or for a moment. This was an investment for the future. It was an investment for the dream of creating a peaceful and prosperous federal democratic union.(Translated by Kyaw Myaing)