Welcoming ceremony for new tutors, demonstrators held in Maubin University

Maubin, 10 November

The welcoming ceremony for new faculty members was held in Maubin University in Maubin Township, Ayeyarwady Region yesterday.

At the event, Chief Minister of Ayeyawady Region Government U Tin Maung Win delivered a welcoming speech. Afterwards, rector of Maubin Uninversity Dr. Ni Ni Oo delivered a speech and read out the history of Maubin University. Then, Chief Minister provided Ks 2 million to new tutors and demonstrators. The cash aid was accepted by U Ko Ko, a demonstrator of Chemistry Department and U Zaw Zaw Aung, a demonstrator of Physic Department.

Refresher course for 93 new tutors and demonstrators will be held at the University of Maubin.—Aung Khine, Aung Myint Myat(Maubin)
Translated by JT