Welcoming ceremony, refresher course for new tutors, teachers held in Hlegu Education Degree College

Hlegu, 11 November

The welcoming ceremony for new faculty members and basic education teachers and the opening ceremony of refresher courses were held at the meeting hall of Hlegu Education Degree College in Hlegu Township, Yangon Region yesterday.

At the event, headmistress of Hlegu Education Degree College Daw Aye Aye Lwin delivered a welcoming speech and gave words of encouragement to new Tutors, Basic Education teachers and urged them to attend the training course in line with Teachers' Code of Ethics.

Afterwards, member of the Township Administration Council U Khin Zaw delivered a speech and call on trainees to attend the training course in line with covid-19 health guideline set by Ministry of Health.

Then, Daw Myat Thuzar, professor of Mathematics Department of  Hlegu Education Degree College clarified the purpose of the course and introduced the subject to be taught to the trainee in the training course.

The one-month training course which runs from November 10 to December 12 is being attended by 220 trainees including two tutors, 102 B.E.P.S teachers, 16 B.E.M.S teachers.—Kyaw Kyaw (IPRD)

Translated by JT