Woman charged with theft in Madaya Tsp

Madaya, 28 January


Gold materials and sales amounting to K 6.6 million were stolen in ward-2, in the town of Madaya, Pyin Oo Lwin district, Mandalay region on 25th January.


The incident took place while shopkeeper Daw Yin Mya was cooking dinner after closing the shop, leaving a packet of gold materials, bank account books and sales of K 1.7 million in the downstairs.


At that time, she saw Daw Myint Myint Win, a friend of her, entering the house. After about 15 minutes, Daw Yin Mya came out of the kitchen to speak to Daw Myint Myint Win but she did find the latter and noticed that the packet was missing.


One of Daw Yin Mya’s neighbors said that she had seen Daw Myint Myint  Win leaving the house with a packet in her hand. Daw Yin Mya reported the incident to the local police station through the ward administrator.


Local police station pressed theft charges against Daw Myint Myint Win who was thought to have stolen sales and gold materials worth K 6.6 million in total, according to Madaya Myoma police station.—Soe Kyaw Thu Htwe ( Madaya)


Translated by Aung Zaw Lin