Wooden bridge being built in Katha Twsp to help rural people improve their livelihood

Katha, 29 June

A rural bridge connecting Kalon Village with another village is being built in Katha Township, Sagaing Region with the funds from the Village Development Plan (VDP).

The bridge is of a wooden type and measures 350 ft. in length, 8 ft. in width and 15 ft. in height. The facility is under construction at a cost of Ks. 11 million in which Ks. 10 million was financed by the local government in the current fiscal year and Ks. 1 million was donated by local people. Once completed, over 2,000 residents from 329 households in the village would be able to traverse the bridge in all seasons.

The bridge would also uplift socioeconomic status of rural people, said U Aung Myint Than, an official from the Department of Rural Development.

Myo Win Nyo (Kyunhla)
Translated by Kyaw Htike Soe