Work coord meeting 1/2024 for border regions, National Races development held

The work coordination meet­ing 1/2024 of the committee for the implementation of the development of border regions and National Races took place yesterday at the Ministry of Bor­der Affairs. The meeting was presided over by Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung, Union Minister for Border Affairs and Chairman of the Implementation Committee on the Development of Border Regions and National Races.


In his opening remarks, the Union minister emphasized the importance of ethnic unity and balanced development across all regions and states. He highlight­ed that the tranquillity and sta­bility of border areas are crucial for development activities, as peace and development are di­rectly proportional. He stressed the need for the government and the people to work together vig­orously to strengthen policies for the peace and stability of the border areas.


The meeting reviewed the successful implementation of business projects funded by State-approved funds for the border area development dur­ing the 2024-2025 financial year. Plans for projects to be carried out in the 2025-2026 financial year were also clarified and discussed.


Union Minister Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung urged the working subcommittees and regional work committees to actively par­ticipate in continuous socioeco­nomic and infrastructure devel­opment. He emphasized the goal of developing ethnic youth in border areas into well-rounded and excellent human resources.


The chairperson of the working committee coordinated discussions and addressed the presentations and the meeting came to a close. — MNA/TS