Workshop on water resources utilization and policy adoption held in Yangon

Yangon 24 July

A workshop on water resources utilization and policy adoption, jointly organized by Yangon region government and Netherlands embassy, was held at the hall of Yangon region government yesterday morning. 

Yangon region chief minister U Phyo Min Thein in his speech said that Yangon region government has been making efforts to adopt a water policy. Among these efforts, he believed that the workshop held today will be one of the contributors to the emergence of a water policy. It is needed to manage water systematically and to have access to clean water, he said. It is important to create a situation where clean water is systematically stored and then distributed to the public in summer times.
Then, Mr. Huub Buise deputy ambassador from Netherlands embassy said that it is important to set up a concrete work program through workshops and three topics will be discussed in today’s workshop. Then, advisor Mr. Johan Heymans, water expert, explained about waterways and ports using a video clip.

 The workshop was attended by Yangon region ministers, Yangon city mayor and committee members and water experts from the Netherlands and heads of departments from Yangon region.—San Kyaw Oo (IPRD)  
Translated by Khine Thaw