Youth drown in lake in Khamti Tsp

Nansipun 5 September

A youth aged 19 drown in a lake in Nansipun area, Khamti township, Sagaing region yesterday afternoon.

 Three people walked into a lake to take a bath after wrapping up their works. After a while, the victim was found missing in the lake, forcing his colleagues to run towards a tent where they all are living together to ask for help. 

The body of the victim without any outside injury was found in the lake in the same afternoon, according to U Ii Nu Mat who was living together with the victim in the same tent. 

The name of the victim was Pa Lu who had arrived in the area from Laung Kyan Nauk village, Lahe Township since two months ago to find jade stones, according to U Ii Nu Mat.—Sanay Maung (Khamti) 
Translated by Khine Thaw