For a week from 22 to 28 No­vember 2023, the prices of pota­to, sugar, sugarcane candy, and chickpea dipped at the Bayint­naung Wholesale Centre.



The Bayintnaung Wholesale Market saw a supply of 150,000 visses of onions on 28 November. The wholesale prices moved in the K2,400 and K3,900 per viss range depending on the quality, size and producing areas (Seik­phyu and Monywa) that day.



The garlic prices from Aungban, Shan State, stood at K10,300-K11,800 per viss depend­ing on varieties and qualities, whereas Kyukok garlic fetched K11,500-K12,500 per viss on 28 November.



Chinese potato prices dipped to K3,200-K3,300 per viss on 28 November from K3,400 per viss registered on 25 November.


Chilli pepper

The wholesale prices of chil­li peppers were K6,000-10,000 per viss for long chilli pepper and Moehtaung variety on 28 No­vember. Those red chillies pro­cessed in cold storage fetched K14,500-K15,000 per viss. The prices of bell peppers from the Sinphyukyun area and delta re­gions were K15,000-K23,000 per viss.



The prices hit K63,000 -K64, 000 per sack of low-grade mon­soon rice, K83,000 for short-ma­ture old rice (90 days), K75,000 per sack of old rice grown under the intercropping season and K91,000-K102,000 for Pawky­wel variety. The high-grade old Pawsan rice prices were K130,000-K150,000 per sack de­pending on the producing ar­eas (Myaungmya, Shwebo) on 28 November. The price of stick rice has decreased to K105,000 per sack from K113,000.


Palm oil

For a week from 27 Novem­ber to 3 December 2023, the wholesale reference price of Yangon Region was set higher to K5,000 per viss. The FOB pric­es fluctuated between US$855 per tonne and $872.5 per tonne this week.



The prices of various pulses stood at K2,790,000 per tonne of black gram (Fair Average Qual­ity/RC), K3,005,000 per tonne of black gram (Special Quality/RC), K3,250,000 per tonne of pigeon pea (red gram) RC, K3,430 per viss of green gram and K5,650 -5,950 per viss of chickpea in Yangon’s wholesale markets. — TWA/KK