Deputy Health Minister inspects dental treatment, surgical operation on patients with cleft lips and palates

Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Aye Tun inspect­ed the University of Dental Medicine and the Orthopaedic Hospital in Mandalay yester­day.


He toured around the den­tal wards and gave instruc­tions after meeting with the rector, professor and faculty members.


He also checked smart practice rooms, digital den­tistry lab, scanning electron microscope room, molecular lab, histopathology lab, uni­versity library and a 50-bed oral and maxillofacial surgery hospital.


At Mandalay Orthopaedic Hospital, the deputy minister visited the wards and com­forted the patients. Then, he observed the status of the con­struction of a four-storey ward, inspected the musculoskele­tal unit, laboratory and x-ray department, and talked with relevant specialists and staff.


On 2 December, the Dep­uty Minister oversaw the surgery of patients with cleft lips and palates at Meiktila General Hospital and provided them with nutrition and cash assistance.

The operation was con­ducted by the Mandalay Re­gion Department of Medical Services in collaboration with the University of Dental Med­icine, Mandalay.


The surgical treatment is planned to be carried out from 1 to 4 December, with 29 patients being treated at Meik­tila General Hospital while the remaining 11 are to be treat­ed at the University of Dental Medicine, Mandalay. — MNA/ NT/TH