It was during my schooling days when I fantasized about the life of a university student. Thanks to the inspiration of our teachers, we came to know the taste of reading.
Writing a New Chapter in Our Millennia-Old Pauk-Phaw Friendship
As we mark the 70th anniversary of China-Myanmar diplomatic relations, it gives me great pleasure to pay a state visit to Myanmar at the invitation of President U Win Myint.
Writing a New Chapter in Our Millennia-Old Pauk-Phaw Friendship

Eating Habits of Myanmar people

Electrifying the rural areas

Kachin traditional new harvest feast
ASvarious  ethnics  residing  in  Myan-mar  hold  respec-tive festivals in ac-cordance with their traditions yearly, new harvest feasts are significant ones among them. At a time when harvesting of their crops, especially paddy are carried out, new harvest feasts  take  place  in  their  regions.