Gyo Gone HousingUpgrade Project
ALLround  efforts  were  made  for  all  round  development  of  Yangon.  In  doing  so, in addition to implementing new housing projects, old hous-ing projects were also being up-graded or renovated. Gyo Gone Housing was one such old hous-ing project that will be upgraded.
World AIDS Day 2019: Communities Make the Difference

1 December

The restrictions will be relaxed for the diaspora of Myanmar-born doctors: Dr. Myint Htwe
DURING the seventh-day meeting of the Second Pyithu Hluttaw’s 14th regular session yesterday, the Union Minister for Health and Sports .............
The Pen is mightier than the Sword

Land Management plays significant role in development of nation

Join Hands to End Violence Against Women and Girls

25 November