Taking a crack at the brain: Neurosurgery in Myanmar

Since 2012, a team of neurosurgeons from the University of Medicine 2, Yangon, and the Henry Ford Hospital from Detroit--------
After 150 years,Prince Kanaung’sYadanarpon Dockyard still operating in Mandalay
Prince Kanaung, younger brother of King Mindon, built the Yadanarpon Dockyard – then known as the Yadanar-pon Factory – on 14 acres in 1864 along the Ayeyawady River on the western side of the capital.
Two major projects in downtown Yangon, Yoma Central Project and Westin Yangon Hotel Project
YANGON teem-ing  with  industrial  zones, hotel projects and housing projects was building up its development momentum.  Among  these  pro-jects was Yoma Central Project near Bogyoke Aung San Market that includes Westin Yangon Ho-tel Project.
Diversity is an opportunity for unity
Today, many persons in charge are poorly prepared to manage diversity issues. We grew up in different religions, languages, education, socioeconomic status, work background, tradition and culture which are great challenges when we are working with such diverse people.
Saya Zawgyi’s Two Philosophical Poems Composed Nearly Fifty Years Apart

My years with UEHRD
Just over a week ago, the Union Enterprise for Humanitarian Assistance, Resettlement and Development in Rakhine (UEHRD) commemorated the second anniversary of their founding in Nay Pyi Taw.
To tackle diabetes, strengthen primary health care and empower families
Diabetes is a significant threat to public health across the WHO South-East Asia Region. An estimated 91 million people -----