People with irregular income in Mongyawng receive foodstuffs

The Shan State Food Supply Committee and U Aung Ko Win, patron of Kanbawza Bank jointly distributed food rations for the unemployed people and those who have no regular income amid -----
Medical equipment donated to hospital in Mongping Tsp.
An event to donate medical equipment for containing COVID-19 was held at the meeting room of People’s hospital in Mongping Township, Shan State(East) yesterday.
Cash aid provided to victims of strong wind in Thabaung Tsp.

Thabaung, 15 June

Elderly people in Dagon Myothit Tsp. receive social pension
The township Department of Social Welfare under the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement provided social pension to elderly people above 85 years old in Dagon Myothit Township, Yangon Region yesterday.
Kayah State CM oversees developmental tasks in Mese Twsp

Cash donated to Mogaung Pagoda in Kyaunggon Twsp
An event to donate cash to Mogaung Pagoda was held at the pagoda in Kyaunggon Township, Ayeyawady Region this morning.  
Developmental works in Wuntho Tsp. completed by 85 percent