Disinfection work conducted in Thantlang Association Baptist Church Center in Chin State

Under the guidance of Township Level COVID-19 Prevention and Response Committee, officials from Township Fire Services Department carried out disinfection work in Thantlang Association Baptist Church Center in Ward-2 used as Quarantine Center for returnees.
Elderly people in Kyauktada Tsp. receive social pension
The township Department of Social Welfare under the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement provided social pension to elderly people above 85 years old in Kyauktada Township, Yangon Region yesterday.
ID cards issued to local people in Mese Tsp.
Officials from the township Department of Immigration and Population conducted the collective granting of ID cards to local people in Taunghla Village in Mese Township, Kayah State yesterday.
Medical equipment donated to Haingbwe hospital
An event to donate medical equipment for containing COVID-19 was held at the meeting room of people’s hospital in Hlaingbwe, Kayin State this morning.
MADB disburses monsoon agricultural loans to farmers in Kanma Twsp
Myanma Agricultural Development Bank is disbursing monsoon agricultural loans to local farmers in Kanma Township, Magway Region.
Tatmadaw donates medical items, foodstuff to Einme Hospital
An event to donate medical items and food supplies to a public hospital was held in Einme Township, Ayeyawady Region this morning.     
644 Myanmar nationals back home via Myawady border checkpoint on 16 June
644 Myanmar citizens –390 men and 254 women—came back home from Thailand via No.2 Friendship Bridge in Myawady, Kayin State on 16 June.