Two multi-purpose shelters being built in Northern Shan State to house victims of conflict, natural disaster
A group of local authorities led by Shan State Minister for Bamar Ethnic Affairs Dr. Aung Than Maung and Shan State Minister for Municipal Affairs U Sai Som Chai made a field to Ward-9, Kyaukme Township in Northern Shan yesterday morning to inspect construction of a multi-purpose shelter.
Medical equipment donated Ngazun Township COVID-19 control and response committee
Representatives from Ngazun Association (Yangon) donated medical equipment to be used in the control, prevention and cure of COVID-19 pandemic in Ngazun, Mandalay Region.
IDPs from Namtu Township get relief supplies
An event to donate food supplies to internally displaced people (IDPs) from three relief camps was held at a religious edifice in Namtu Township, Northern Shan State on 31 May.        
Highlanders donate food supplies to residents in Myaungmya

Myaungmya 1 June

Relief items provided to fire victims in Pantanaw Tsp.
The fire victims in Sinchaung village, Danaw village-tract, Pantanaw Township, Maubin District, Ayeyawady Region were provided with relief items by the Daw Khin Kyi Foundation.
Rice provided to households with irregular income in Bagan Nyaung-U Tsp.
With the aim of supporting to households with irregular income amid the outbreak of COVID-19, philanthropic organizations led by the Presiding Sayadaw of Yadanabonsantawya Dhamma Yeiktha Monastery provided rice to households with irregular income in Nyaung-U Township.