Construction of DRD-funded rural roads 50 % completed in Budalin Twsp.

Construction of the rural roads being implemented by the Department of Rural Development with the allotted funds by the local government in the fiscal year 2019-2020 have been about 50 percent finished so far, according to an official from the DRD.
Houses destroyed by strong winds in Letpadan Twsp.
No casualties were reported after strong winds blew through some villages in Letpadan Township, Magway Region yesterday, according to a source from the Department of Disaster Management.
Displaced people from Myaing Gyee Ngu Area furnished with relief supplies
A local social organization donated relief items to internally displaced people from Myaing Gyee Ngu Area at a religious edifice in Hlaingbwe Township, Kayin State yesterday.
Village road launched in Thanbyuzayet Twsp.
An event to inaugurate a concrete road was held in Setse Daminseik Village in Thanbyuzayet Township, Mon State this morning.
90 migrant workers return from Thailand via border on Sunday
A total of 90 Myanmar migrant workers returned through the Friendship Bridge No 2 in Myawady on 17 May, the 17th consecutive day since the government resumed accepting returnees on 1 May amidst the spread of COVID-19.
2nd batch of COVID-19 medicines, equipment arrives in Yangon by humanitarian flight
A second humanitarian flight carrying Personal Protective Equipment – PPE, medicines and medical equipment procured by the World Food Programme-WFP .............
Fourth annual performance review of Bago Region government
In our fourth year, we focused on developing various sectors contributing towards national and socioeconomic development by incorporating community-based measures ............